Articles and Interviews
Article “Library architecture in heritage buildings and their urban location”, published in the book “Custodied Heritage. Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centers”, (ISBN 978-84-126653-1-4), published by the College of Architects of Catalonia. 2023

Article "Trends and prospects in the construction of libraries", published in the book “Arquitectura y Ambientes de Bibliotecas” (ISBN 978-607-30-3046-5) edited by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). 2020.

Interview at the XII Professional Conference of the Cervantes Institute Library Network 2019 (RBIC): "Libraries of the future: new spaces, new services, new actors". Madrid. Jul 4, 2019.

Interview published in the magazine "Infobibliotecas", in an issue dedicated to Libraries and Architecture. Quarterly Publication Nº 12. April-June 2015.
- Link to document.
“I think counseling work has some curious connotations. On the one hand, we work in the shadows and our name never appears in the "credits", which seems absolutely correct to me. But on the other hand, I cannot help feeling for each library that I have advised a kind of very special affection, as if it were a son, who is never as you would like, that is, with his virtues and defects, but for who you feel somehow responsible".

Book " Library Architecture: Recommendations for a comprehensive research project", from the collection "Papers Sert", commissioned by the College of Architects of Catalonia.
- English edition
- Spanish edition
- Catalan edition